Join me on BlogTalkRadio on Tuesday March 30, 2010 at 8:00 pm central time for the latest episode of "Consumer's Guide To Health". Circadian rhythms - or roughly 24 hour cycles in biochemical, physiological, or behavioral processes, can have a significant effect on the symptoms of disease, when to take medicines, when to eat and when to exercise (for beginners, in particular). They are also intimately related with sleep issues and even mood status. This episode will focus on how these natural biological circadian rhythms can be better understood, and how we can use that knowledge to improve our health.

This episode's special guest will be Dr. Michael Smolensky. Dr. Smolensky is a leader in the field of medical chronobiology. He founded and for 10 years directed the Memorial-Hermann Center for Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics -- the first polyclinic to utilize the methods and science of biological rhythm to diagnose and treat disease. He currently is a visiting professor at The University of Texas-Houston, Health Science Center and also Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas-Austin. Dr. Smolensky is the author or co-author of more than 235 scientific and clinical articles, and is also co-author with Lynne Lamberg of the popular book, "The Body Clock Guide to Better Health."

The BlogTalkRadio call-in number is 646-929-1567. You can listen online at and also download this and previous episodes here as well.

Join us for the discussion!
