Sunshine. It never ceases to amaze me.

There is an inherent beauty and power to the sun and it's shining prominence in our galaxy. Sure, there is the perspective of the awesome energy produced by the center of our universe. Yes, it fuels the growth of the flora and fauna of the earth. But there is something so much more elemental about it.

Sunshine. A glimmer of it in the wintertime - and we smile with it's radiant warmth upon us. Having spent many years living in Canada before moving to Texas, I truly understand why "Seasonal Affective Disorder" exists. A long hard winter without the sun can leave you without energy and depressed. It takes but a moment in the sun, a brief fleeting moment of sunshine, to get us to relax, to let the stresses of our days ease away ... to smile. A hard day will always be better with the sun shining down upon us. The world suddenly becomes a better place ...

Now - I ask all of you to remind me of this post around mid-August ... when all of us in Texas are sweltering in the heat and have surrendered to the sun's dreaded glare. For now, I am enjoying a springtime that is slowly blooming - with sunshine on my mind.